Debilitating Disease: Recognizing The Signs and Symptoms

Debilitating Disease: Recognizing The Signs and Symptoms


A debilitating disease implies any illness or medical condition where either physical or mental health is affected which might weaken body and brain functioning over time.In this article I have pinpointed diabetes type 2 as one of the debilitating disease detailing its definition,symptoms and diagnosis.

Debilitating Disease
Diabetes is a debilitating disease



Diabetes is a debilitating disease which is linked to multitude of other health problems like heart disease, kidney failure, blindness or more which may require lifelong care and rehabilitation if left uncontrolled. It not only affects physical health but deterioration of the general well-being of a person. According to a medical dictionary,type 2 diabetes is a  condition characterized by high blood glucose levels caused byeither a lack of insulin or the body's inability to use insulin efficiently. Type 2 diabetes develops most often in middleaged and older adults but can appear in young people.[1] Insulin is a hormone secreted by pancreas to control blood sugar. When our body’s insulin isn’t able to signal properly then the glucose (sugar) from the food stays as it is and may remain too high. It is a disease marked by high glucose levels in the blood and impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, caused by the body's inability to respond effectively to insulin, combined with inadequate production of insulin by the pancreas. The disease,which can occur at any age but typically develops in middle-aged and older adults, often begins with no symptoms, is associated with obesity and inactivity, and may be managed, depending on severity, with dietary changes, an exercise regimen, and oral or injectable medications. Type 2 diabetes is also called non-insulin-dependent diabetes or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.[2].


Symptoms might or might not be present but common symptoms associated with type 2 diabetes are as listed below [3]-
  • Thirst
  • Hunger
  • Urinating a lot, getting up more often than usual at night to urinate
  • Blurry vision
  • More frequent or long-lasting infections
  • Trouble healing cuts on your skin
  • Red skin rashes in parts of your body
  • Tingling or loss of sensation in your feet


Variety of tests are used to determine diabetes or prediabetes. Your doctor can diagnose diabetes, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes using blood tests. The blood tests show if your blood glucose level, also called blood sugar, is higher than the range that is healthy for you. Blood tests can also help identify the type of diabetes you have.

Don’t try to diagnose yourself if you think you might have diabetes. Blood testing equipment that you can buy over the counter, such as a blood glucose meter, cannot diagnose diabetes.[4].

Your doctor may recommend different tests depending on whether you have symptoms or not, or whether you are pregnant in case of female. The following are the various tests used to diagnose diabetes type 2.

a).Fasting plasma glucose test-in short called as FP test measures your blood glucose level at a single point in time. This measures your blood sugar after an overnight fast (not eating).For the most reliable results, your doctor will give you the test in the morning after you have fasted for at least 8 hours. Fasting means having nothing to eat or drink except sips of water.[4] A fasting blood sugar level of 99 mg/dL or lower is normal, 100 to 125 mg/dL indicates you have prediabetes, and 126 mg/dL or higher indicates you have diabetes.

b).Random plasma glucose test-Sometimes doctors use the random plasma glucose test to diagnose diabetes when you have symptoms of diabetes and they do not want to wait until you have fasted for 8 hours. You may have this blood test at any time and don’t need to fast .[4] A blood sugar level of 200 mg/dL or higher indicates you have diabetes.[5].

c).A1C Test-The A1C test measures your average blood sugar level over the past 2 or 3 months. An A1C below 5.7% is normal, between 5.7 and 6.4% indicates you have prediabetes, and 6.5% or higher indicates you have diabetes. Other names for the A1C test are hemoglobin A1C, HbA1C, glycated hemoglobin, and glycosylated hemoglobin test. [5].You can eat and drink before this test. Before using the A1C test to diagnose diabetes, your doctor will consider factors, such as whether you are in your second or third trimester of pregnancy or whether you have certain types of anemia or another problem with your blood.[6].The A1C test might not be accurate in those cases. Certain types of hemoglobin, called hemoglobin variants, can interfere with measuring A1C levels. If your A1C test results and blood glucose levels do not match, your doctor should consider that the A1C test may not be a reliable test for you.[4].Your doctor will report your A1C test result as a percentage, such as an A1C of 7%. The higher the percentage is, the higher your average blood glucose levels are.[4].

d).Glucose tolerance test-This measures your blood sugar before and after you drink a liquid that contains
glucose. You’ll fast (not eat) overnight before the test and have your blood drawn to determine your fasting blood sugar level. Then you’ll drink the liquid and have your blood sugar level checked 1 hour, 2 hours, and possibly 3 hours afterward. At 2 hours, a blood sugar level of 140 mg/dL or lower is considered normal, 140 to 199 mg/dL indicates you have prediabetes, and 200 mg/dL or higher indicates you have diabetes.[5].

e).Glucose screening test- If you are pregnant, your doctor might test you for gestational diabetes with this test.[42].Another name for this test is the glucose challenge test. It measures your blood sugar at the time you’re tested. You’ll drink a liquid that contains glucose, and then 1 hour later your blood will be drawn to check your blood sugar level. A normal result is 140 mg/dL or lower. If your level is higher than 140 mg/dL, you’ll need to take a glucose tolerance test.[5].

f).Gestational diabetes test- Gestational diabetes is diagnosed using blood tests. You’ll probably be tested between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. If your risk is higher for getting gestational diabetes (due to having more risk factors), your doctor may test you earlier. Blood sugar that’s higher than normal early in your pregnancy may indicate you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes rather than gestational diabetes.[5]. If you have gestational diabetes, you should get tested after your baby is born to see if you have type 2 diabetes, usually within 12 weeks after delivery.[4].

g).Oral glucose tolerance test-The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) helps doctors detect type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes. However, the OGTT is a more expensive test than the FPG test and the glucose challenge test, and it is not as easy to give. Before the test, you will need to fast for at least 8 hours.A health care professional will take a blood sample to measure your glucose level after fasting. Next, you will drink a liquid that is high in sugar. Another blood sample is taken 2 hours later to check your blood glucose level. If your blood glucose level is high, you may have diabetes. If you are pregnant, your blood will be drawn every hour for 2 to 3 hours. If your blood glucose levels are high two or more times during the OGTT, you may have gestational diabetes.[4].

It is mandatory to recognise signs and symptoms of diabetes by self observation and medical diagnosis so as to start first line of treatment to manage diabetes type 2.


Q1.What does debilitating mean medically?

Ans:Any disease causing serious impairment of strength or ability to function progressing towards restriction in major life activities.

Q2.What are the most debilitating disorders?

Ans:Mood disorders,example-depression are one of the most debilitating disorder because of functional impairment.

Q3.What is chronic or debilitating disease?

Ans:Any disease or condition lasting for 3 months or longer usually gets worse over time is a chronic or debilitating disease which usually affects older adults. Examples: diabetes,  arthritis,stroke,heart disease and cancer.

Q4.What is an example of debilitating?

Ans:Debilitating suggests a temporary impairment or a condition of weakness and helplessness.Example:he found the heat debilitating.


[1]. Type 2 diabetes. (n.d.) Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary. (2012). Retrieved January 8 2023 from

[2].Type 2 diabetes. (n.d.) The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary. (2007). Retrieved January 8 2023 from

[3]. MedlinePlus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2020, June 24] Type 2 diabetes - self-care (reviewed on 2/1/2022).Retrieved on 12/1/2023 from-Type 2 diabetes - self-care: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

[4].National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK).Last reviewed July2022.Diabetes tests and diagnosis. Accessed on January 2023 from-

[5].Centers for disease control and prevention. Last reviews August 2021. Diabetes tests. Accessed from-

[6]. American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee. Standards of medical care in diabetes—2022. Diabetes Care. 2022;45(suppl 1):1–16.7


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