Okra Water: Surprising Health Benefits You Need to Know About


Okra Water: Surprising Health Benefits You Need to Know About

Okra is a green vegetable that is popular in many cuisines around the world. The scientific name of okra is Abelmoschus esculentus.It has a slimy texture and a mild flavour that can complement various dishes. But did you know that okra can also be used to make a healthy drink? Okra water is simply the liquid that is extracted from okra pods after they are soaked in water. The drink is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help your body function at its best. Okra water is made by soaking okra pods in water overnight or for a few hours. Some people drink it in the morning on an empty stomach to reap its benefits. But what are these benefits and how does okra water work? If you are looking for a refreshing and healthy drink to add to your daily routine, you may want to give okra water a try. If you're curious about the health benefits of okra water, then read on. In this blog post, we will explore some of the surprising health benefits of okra water and how you can make it at home.

Okra Water
Okra is a green vegetable rich in fiber, vitamins,minerals,antioxidants and other nutrients
Drinking okra water in the morning may help you get some of these nutrients and their health benefits. 

I. Nutritional value of Okra Water

Okra water is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, which supports the immune system and promotes healthy skin, and vitamin K, which is important for bone health. It also contains calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are essential minerals for overall health and wellbeing. Okra is rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber that can benefit your health in many ways.

II. Health benefits of Okra Water

A. Lowering cholesterol levels:

 Okra is a nutritious food with many health benefits. It's high in fiber, which can help lower cholesterol levels by binding to cholesterol in the gut and preventing its absorption into the bloodstream.(1)

B. Reducing blood sugar levels:

 Okra contains a compound called myricetin, which has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake in animal studies. Okra water may also slow down the absorption of sugar from food, thanks to its high fiber content. it can help regulate blood sugar levels. The mucilage in okra pods slows down the absorption of sugar in the stomach, preventing sudden spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels.This makes okra water a great drink for people with diabetes or anyone looking to maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.

C. Helps with digestion and weight loss: 

Okra is a good source of soluble fiber, which can help prevent constipation, lower cholesterol levels, and feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut. Okra water may also soothe inflammation and irritation in your digestive tract, as it has a mucilaginous texture that can coat and protect your stomach lining.One of the primary benefits of okra water is that it can help improve digestion.The mucilage in okra acts as a natural laxative, helping to move waste through the digestive system more efficiently.Drinking okra water regularly can help relieve constipation and promote regular bowel movements.Okra is low in calories and high in fiber, which can help you feel full for longer and reduce your overall calorie intake, potentially aiding in weight loss.(2)

D. Improves heart health: 

Okra is rich in nutrients that are beneficial for heart health, including magnesium, folate, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins C and K1.(3).These nutrients can help support healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.

E. Benefits for pregnant women: 

According to Mom Junction, a website that provides information on pregnancy and parenting, okra is highly nutritious for pregnant women(4). It contains iron, vitamins, calcium, and other nutrients and minerals that are important for a healthy pregnancy.(4). The fiber in okra can help treat constipation, while its antioxidants can boost a healthy immune system(4).So, Okra does support the health of pregnant women and their babies.

F. Boosts immune system:

Okra is high in vitamin C, which is essential for your immune system function and protection against infections. Okra water may also have antibacterial and antifungal properties, as some studies have found that okra extracts can inhibit the growth of certain pathogens.

G. Improves skin health: 

Okra contains antioxidants such as flavonoids, polyphenols, and beta-carotene, which can help fight free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to your skin cells. Okra water may also hydrate and nourish your skin, as it has a high-water content and minerals such as magnesium and calcium. The antioxidants in the drink can help prevent premature aging by fighting off free radicals that damage skin cells. Drinking okra water can also help improve the elasticity and overall appearance of your skin.

III. How to Make Okra Water

Making okra water is easy and simple. All you need are fresh okra pods and water. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Wash 3-5 okra pods and cut off both ends.
  • Cut each pod into two or three pieces and place them in a glass or jar.
  • Fill the glass or jar with water until the okra pieces are submerged.
  • Cover the glass or jar with a lid or plastic wrap and let it sit overnight or for at least 4 hours at room temperature.
  • In the morning, strain the okra water into another glass or jar and discard the okra pieces.

Drink the okra water on an empty stomach or as desired.You can also add some lemon juice, honey, ginger,or mint to enhance the flavour of your okra water, but the natural taste is quite mild and refreshing.

Okra Water

You can add some lemon juice, honey, ginger,or mint to enhance the flavour of your okra water.

IV. How to Incorporate Okra Water into Your Diet

One way to use okra water in meals is to make it into a drink. According to Organic Facts, a website that provides information on natural health and wellness, you can make okra water by soaking 4-5 medium-sized okra pods in a cup of water for 8 hours.(5).You can then drink the water as it is or add it to smoothies or other beverages.(5)

V. Precautions and Side Effects

Okra water is generally safe and well-tolerated by most people. However, some people may experience some side effects or precautions when drinking it. Here are some of them:

  • If you are allergic to okra or other vegetables in the same family, such as hibiscus, cotton, or cacao, you should avoid drinking okra water as it may cause an allergic reaction.
  • If you have kidney problems or are on dialysis, you should consult your doctor before drinking okra water as it may affect your potassium levels and fluid balance.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should also consult your doctor before drinking okra water as there is not enough evidence on its safety and effects on your baby.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a healthy and refreshing drink to add to your daily routine, consider trying okra water. With its numerous health benefits, it's certainly worth a try. Okra water is a simple and natural way to enjoy the health benefits of okra. It may help lower blood sugar levels, support digestive health, boost your immune system, and improve your skin health.However, you should also be aware of the possible side effects and precautions when drinking it. If you want to try okra water for yourself, you can easily make it at home with fresh okra pods.


Q1. What’s the benefits of drinking okra water?

Ans. Okra water is rich in antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals with many benefits for your health, such as:

It lowers blood sugar levels and helps prevent diabetes.

It improves digestion and prevents constipation.

It supports liver function and detoxifies your body.

It enhances your immunity and fights infections.

It nourishes your skin and hair and makes them glow.

It helps lowers cholesterol and inflammation levels. 

Q2. Is it good to drink okra water every day?

Ans. Okra is a vegetable that is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and other nutrients. Drinking okra water in the morning may help you get some of these nutrients and their health benefits like, aids weight loss because of its low calories and high fiber. Besides, it assists to stay hydrated and boosts metabolism. According to Healthline, one cup of raw okra has:

33 calories

7 grams of carbs

2 grams of protein

0 grams of fat

3 grams of fiber

14% of the DV for magnesium

15% of the DV for folate

14% of the DV for vitamin A

26% of the DV for vitamin C

26% of the DV for vitamin K

14% of the DV for vitamin B6

Okra also has antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, that may protect against oxidative stress and chronic diseases.

Q3. Does okra water make labour easier?

Ans. Okra is a vegetable that contains vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that may support the health of pregnant women and their babies. Some people claim that okra water can help soften the cervix, stimulate contractions and speed up the delivery process. However, there is no scientific evidence to back up these claims. Okra water may be safe to drink in moderation, but it is not a substitute for medical advice or care. If you are pregnant and want to try okra water, you should consult your doctor first and follow their instructions.

Q4. How many days can I take okra water?

Ans. It is not advisable to take okra water for more than a few days without consulting your doctor. Okra water may have some side effects such as diarrhoea, bloating, gas, and allergic reactions. You should also be careful if you are taking any medications or have any medical conditions that may interact with okra water.

Also Read:


(1) https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/okra-health-benefits Accessed 23/04/2023.

(2) https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/drinking-okra-water-in-the-morning Accessed 23/04/2023.

(3) https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/okra-health-benefits Accessed 23/04/2023

(4) https://www.momjunction.com/articles/nutritional-benefits-of-okra-during-                              pregnancy_0083545/Accessed 23/04/2023.

(5) https://www.organicfacts.net/recipe/okra-water Accessed 23/04/2023.


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