Nourishing Nature Benefits For Health And Well-Being

 Nourishing Nature Benefits For Health And Well-Being

God gifted humankind a nourishing,magnificent and irreplaceable nature and its scintillating beauty nourishes our soul. The renowned English poet, John Keats, said- “A thing of beauty is a joy forever” which is what all nature lovers feel whenever we hold exquisite flowers or nature walk or sun bathe on a cold day. Spending some time out in the nature provides an inexplicable,nourishing sense of tranquil awareness. Nature’s beauty is eternal, infinite and soothes our emotional as well as physical senses. Its existence can not only be seen, heard or touched but can be felt with unparallel amazement, pleasantness and nourishing freshness. 

Nourishing nature benefits for health and well-being
Nourishing nature boosts mental wellness,clarity,improves creativity and helps to feel spiritually refreshed

Nature is an indispensable part of our lives and it cannot be replaced with any artificial amusements because nature is natural and it boosts mental wellness,clarity,improves creativity and helps to feel a spiritually refreshed. For example-Wordsworth who was famously known as the poet of the nature wrote “there is a spirit in the woods” which implies that a true nature lover would feel there is a life in every object of nature. He earned his reputation by being out in the nature and celebrating nature which was reflected in his world-famous quotes on nature. Another remarkable quote of Wordsworth was "come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher" which implies to me that nature teaches us the lesson of immortality and mortality. Similarly, inspirational author Anne Frank completely justified my emotions associated with nature and quoted: “The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. As longs as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be. And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.”As all these poets hinted how spending time in nature can improve our physical, mental, and emotional health, and why it's essential for us to make it a regular part of our daily routines because nourishing nature is beneficial in several ways including better air quality, a healthier lifestyle, and the beauty of the planet.

Furthermore, nature nurtures our soul by its healing powers. Be it the vitamin D from sunlight, the fragrances of flowers to rejuvenate our moods or the pure breeze to comfort us in the summers, all components of divine nature impacts upon people suffering from any ailments of mind or body. For instance-nature is a strong anti-depressant. Many studies done on it indicates the psychological benefits of nature. It helps to reduce stress and make us connect with our inner self. Nature walks are reinvigorating ways to keep our body, mind and soul peaceful and healthy. Several studies can be found on this. Mind becomes more creative and dynamic when we spend time in nature. Body become active when we go for nature walks. Sadly, our modern world’s frequent dependence on gadgets severely affects our nature time because many find themselves addicted to their devices and hardly find time to get some sunshine in the garden or even go for a walk. Studies have been done which indicates that being away from technological distractions for a while and stepping out in nature more often helps to increase one’s intuitive and creative abilities which acts as a catalyst to become more productive and enjoy life in a happy, harmonious and healthy way.

In continuation, it may be said that nature nourishes all living beings so we must also be aware and try our best to keep it natural and clean so that nature continue to nurture lives on our planet earth forever. We human beings should not disturb the cycle of nature by our activities which pollute the water, air or land. Everything belonging to nature which we human beings are destroying or damaging will lead us to depletion of natural resources which is a threat to our lives. So, we should take it as our duty to aware people and make them understand the importance of nature so that they do not destroy it in the search of progress.

To conclude, we should explore and go out in nature more often because it is waiting for us to offer its eternal beauty and sanctuary to replenish our health and well-being to its very core because its god gifted naturally nature and we should be mindful to not destroy our nature for the sake of our planet earth and its future generations.


Q1.What does nourishing mean?

Ans.Nourishing means providing essential nutrients and elements needed for growth, development, and overall well-being. Basically,nourishing implies providing the body with what it needs to function optimally and support health and well-being. Whether it's through food, social interactions, or other activities, prioritizing nourishment can lead to a happier and healthier life.

Q2.What is an example of nourishing?

Ans. Most often foods rich in nutrients and vitamins, such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins are deemed nourishing because they provide vitamins and minerals necessary for the body to function properly. Nourishing food can help improve overall health, increase energy and stamina,and even improve mental clarity and mood.In addition to food, other things can be nourishing too, such as positive social interactions, learning new things, exercise, and rest. These elements all contribute to an overall sense of well-being and nourishment when practiced regularly.

Q3.What is the synonym of nourishing?

Ans.Few synonyms of the word nourishing are nurturing,  wholesome,sustaning,balancing,nutrient,nutritious.

Q4.What is the use of nourishing?

Ans.Beyond food, the concept of "nourishing" can apply to a variety of practices and habits that support our overall well-being. For example, engaging in regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and practicing stress-management techniques can all be considered "nourishing" activities because they help to promote physical, mental, and emotional health.The word "nourishing" can also be applied to relationships and social connections. When we have supportive and caring relationships with others, we feel nourished and supported, which can have a positive impact on our mental and emotional health. Additionally, engaging in acts of kindness and compassion towards others can also be nourishing for both the giver and receiver.


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